The Center Dyke Infrastructure Move (CDIM) project consists of modifying and/or relocating the Recycle Water (RCW) barges, pipelines, E-Houses, cables and Fine
Fluid Tailings (FFT) piping and related infrastructure from the 400m bench to the 410m bench to accommodate the rising West External Tailings Area (WETA) pond
The Project includes the design, procurement and construction of the following items broken out by discipline:
▪ Civil/Structural: Road finished grade, E-House foundations, access ramps.
▪ Piping/Mechanical: temporary pumping system, 26”/ 42”/ 48” carbon steel lines, 20” / 32” HDPE piping.
▪ Marine: Relocation of barges, floating walkways, dock and mooring.
▪ Electrical/Telecoms: Relocate E-Houses, utility skids, electrical and fiber cables.